Monday, January 12, 2015

Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship

Interested in a unique Bridge Year Fellowship opportunity focusing on innovative service work with adults with mental illness, seniors, and children? Interested in learning about real world applications of community health, social entrepreneurship, non-profit leadership, and education and health policy?

Consider applying for the Horseshoe Farm Fellowship. Horseshoe Farm offers an intensive community based “bridge year” service and leadership development program for top recent college graduates from around the nation. Since its launch in 2009, the pioneering program has attracted top students interested in nonprofit leadership, social entrepreneurship, and community based service leadership, particularly those interested in developing and leading new community based approaches in medicine, healthcare, and education.

The application deadline is February 10, 2015. The application and additional information are available on the website. Please send any questions to either or current fellow Kaitlyn Downs at