Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Science Coursework Changes

Changes have recently been announced regarding several year-long health professions prerequisite science sequences offered through the chemistry and physics departments. There are also announcements regarding changes to the biology department’s biochemistry course expected for the spring. The following information is being provided to clarify some conflicting messages that have been circulating:

1)      Students preparing for a career in the health professions who also intend to be chemistry majors should take the original organic chemistry sequence (CHEM 2410/2411, CHEM 2420/2421).
2)     Students preparing for a career in the health professions who are not intending to major in chemistry should take the original organic chemistry lectures (CHEM 2410/2420) with the newly created chemistry labs (CHEM 2311/2321).
3)     The physics department has restructured the physics sequence (PHYS 2010/2030, PHYS 2020/2040) from a 4 credit lecture and 1 credit lab to a 3 credit lecture and 1 credit lab. 
4)     The biology department will offer a 3 credit hour, 3000 level biochemistry course in the spring. Cell Biology is no longer a prerequisite for this course. 
5)     The chemistry department will continue to offer a two semester biochemistry course for any student who meets the prerequisite requirements.  

If you have specific questions regarding the requirements for your major, please contact the department directly. If you have questions regarding the requirements for health professions programs, meet with your health professions advisor during drop-in hours in Monroe Hall or call UCS at 434.924.8900 for an appointment.