Monday, August 28, 2017

Free Mental Health First Aid Training

Region 10 Community Services Board is opening a limited number of their community mental health first aid training sessions to UVA students free of charge

What is Mental Health First Aid? Mental Health First Aid is similar to First Aid and CPR. Mental Health First Aid helps individuals to support those experiencing mental health problems and aids in getting people professional help and support.
  • Interactive 8-hour course
  • Teaches a 5-step action plan to offer initial help to people with the signs and symptoms of a mental illness or in a crisis, and connect them with the appropriate professional, peer, social, or self- help care.
  • Provides you with a certification you can list on your resume when applying to jobs in human services fields.
Spots are limited.  Each session only has 30 spots, including community members, so it's first come first serve!

When? There are four Fridays on which the sessions will take place. Each session is day long, from 8 AM-5 PM.
Where? The Region 10 Community Services Board (500 Old Lynchburg Road, Conference Center Room 500-A, Charlottesville, VA). Region 10 is a 5-min walk from a CAT bus stop (Route 3) at the corner of 5th St. and Old Lynchburg Road.

How do I register? 
  1. Ensure you can commit to an ALL DAY TRAINING (8 AM-5 PM) on the day you select
  2. Join the event in Handshake (click on the dates above to be directed to the Handshake event page) & fill out the confirmation survey
  3. Email to complete your registration, and copy Michelle ( Make sure to mention you are a UVA student in order to have your fee waived. You must email Region 10 to complete your registration and confirm your attendance.
To get more info on Mental Health First Aid, visit or