Thursday, April 2, 2015

Public Service Career Panel: What is AmeriCorps?

Public Service Career Panel: What is AmeriCorps?
Tuesday, April 7 at 6pm
Location: Monroe 116

Learn from the Virginia Office of Volunteerism and Community Service and U.Va. alumni serving with AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps is a great experience post-graduation whether you want your first destination after U.Va. to be service-driven or are looking for a gap year(s) opportunity. Positions exist in many fields including education, sustainability, housing, healthcare, economic development and more! Hear about the different AmeriCorps programs nationwide, how to apply and meet alumni who are serving. This is a great opportunity for all years interested in exploring careers in public service.

This event is co-sponsored by University Career Services and the Virginia State Office of Volunteerism and Community Service.