National ShaDO Week
April 20-24, 2015AACOM is very pleased to support our medical student leaders of National Pre-SOMA who are leading a national effort, in collaboration with fellow medical student leaders and their Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, to reach-out to undergraduate pre-medical students who would like an opportunity to meet and ShaDOw current osteopathic medical students. This is also a wonderful opportunity for aspiring premedical students to connect with medical students to have their questions answered, visit a medical school, and get great insight from current medical students willing to help mentor premedical students! This is an opportunity not to be missed, especially if preparing for the 2016 AACOMAS Application cycle!
Please note, some Osteopathic Medical Schools may have other opportunities available. Please visit their websites for more details.
See the flyer for a list of participating schools and registration details. Note there are limit spots for each school, so register ASAP!