Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Flash Seminar: The Affordable Care Act Contested

Professor David Klein, Politics Department
Thursday, March 19th @ 4:00 p.m.

On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act, the most significant overhaul of the US healthcare system in over fifty years. Since it was signed into law, it has become one of the most heavily contested achievements of President Obama’s presidency. This term, the Supreme Court is considering who qualifies for federal subsidies that lower the cost of health insurance premiums. This question is one of interpreting a statute rather than the Constitution. In this Flash Seminar, we will look at the challenges of interpreting a statute objectively when policy preferences can so easily push justices a certain way. Join Professor David Klein to discuss the ways in which the Supreme Court acts to interpret laws, both by interpreting statutes and interpreting the Constitution, by looking at the current Affordable Care Act case. Sign up