Monday, November 21, 2011

2012 Sherry R. Arnstein Minority Student Scholarship for Osteopathic Medicine

This award, named after former AACOM Executive Director Sherry R. Arnstein, recognizes two osteopathic underrepresented minority students at AACOM's member colleges of osteopathic medicine (one newly accepted student and one continuing student).   

To be eligible, an applicant must be an underrepresented minority (African-American; Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian; mainland Puerto Rican, or Hispanic) student in good academic standing and currently enrolled in his or her first, second, or third year at an AACOM member college of osteopathic medicine OR an underrepresented minority student who has been accepted and is planning to matriculate at one of the AACOM member colleges. Previous Arnstein Scholarship awardees are ineligible.

Entries must be post-marked by March 31, 2012. All entries must include the required Cover Page, with all appropriate signatures, in addition to the required essay. Incomplete entries will not be considered. Awardees will be notified by July 21, 2012.