Friday, January 29, 2016

US Army Institute for Surgical Research: Paid Summer Internship Program

The US Army Institute for Surgical Research (USAISR) PAID Summer Internship Program for Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental, and Engineering (STEM) undergraduate students from 6 June-10 August in San Antonio, TX.

Number of internship openings: 10
Degree Required:  Bachelor Degree Student (In Progress)
All interns must have completed at least their First Year class requirements for a bachelor's degree.

Chosen applicants will work closely with a USAISR staff mentor  and their research team to conduct a scientific investigation in one of the research focus areas of the USAISR:

Hemorrhage Control
Blood and Coagulation
Burn Injury
Ocular Trauma
Dental Trauma
Pre-hospital Trauma Care
Intensive Care
Regenerative Medicine
Extremity Trauma

What it is: A PAID ($2,726/month) summer internship for students in the above categories. Note that housing and transportation are NOT provided. Students are mentored by Army Physicians to conduct research in areas such as burns,rehabilitative medicine and orthopedics, along with dental/ocular trauma.

The extensive partnering relationships with universities and other government agencies will expose participants to a broad research community. Program participants will have the opportunity to meet government decision-makers and learn directly from them about the role of scientific research in addressing complex, real-world (i.e., operational) needs.
Furthermore, fellows have the opportunity to learn how research products transition from the proof-of-concept stage to integrated production systems

Additional information and links to the application process are available at the below site.

Application deadline: March 4, 2016