Thursday, April 6, 2017

VCU School of Dentistry Admissions Advising Appts - Thursday, 4/20

VCU School of Dentistry Admissions Advising Appointments & Info Session

Thursday, April 20th

Meet with Dr. Susie Goolsby,
an Admissions Office representative from the VCU School of Dentistry!

Admissions Advising Appts
UVA Career Center, Bryant Hall @ Scott Stadium; 9am - 4pm
Dr. Goolsby is conducting 30 minute advising appointments to review prospective applicant candidacies for dental school. Meetings are intended for students NOT currently in the dental school application process, but who wish to apply in the future. Please plan to bring a copy of your transcript and resume. Business dress required for all individual appointments. Admissions advising appointments are limited. Register for an admissions appointment online.

Info Session 
Clark Hall, Room 101; 7-8pm 
In collaboration with the Pre-Dental Society, Dr. Goolsby will provide an overview of the dental school application process with emphasis on VCU's admission requirements. Open to ALL students RSVP not required.