Friday, February 5, 2016

EVMS Campus Visitation Day

The Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) Diversity in Educational Programs will host a campus visitation day for college and graduate students interested in becoming physicians.

Date: Saturday, April 2nd
Time: 8:00am-4:00pm
Location: EVMS Lester Hall 

Students will gain firsthand information on preparing for medical school, the admissions process and interviewing.  In addition, medical students will provide information on the MD program at EVMS and life as medical students; and physicians will address the changes occurring in medicine, along with the rewards and challenges of practice.  Special segments will focus on diversity and healthcare equity and professionalism in medicine.  Students will have the opportunity to participate in interactive clinical sessions, network, and ask questions throughout the day.

Registration is free; however, students are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.  Students can register at:  

The registration deadline is March 26th. Travel directions, a campus map, and a listing of nearby hotels can also be found on the website.  If you have trouble accessing the information, please contact (757) 446-5869